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Becoming King Martin Luther King, Jr. and the m...Jackson, Troy, 1968- Bending toward justice : the Birmingham church ...Jones, Doug (G. Douglas), ... Black bottom saints : a novelRandall, Alice, 1959- auth... The Black church : this is our story, this is o...Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., a... Black Detroit : a people's history of self-dete...Boyd, Herb, 1938- author. Black fortunes : the story of the first six Afr...Wills, Shomari, author. Black in blues : how a color tells the story of...Perry, Imani, 1972- author... Black JoyLewis-Giggetts, Tracey Mic... The Black utopians : searching for paradise and...Robertson, Aaron, 1994- au... Black women, black love : America's war on Afri...Stewart, Dianne M., author... A Black Women's History of the United StatesGross, Kali Nicole The containment : Detroit, the Supreme Court, a...Adams, Michelle, 1963- aut... The dead are arising : the life of Malcolm XPayne, Les, 1941-2018 auth... 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